When I moved to my first apartment in Scandinavia, something that attracted my attention was the slagbord I found it really interesting because at the same time that is a piece with a lot of flexibility is a piece with a basic and simple solutions and construction made with solid pine wood.
During last term I had the opportunity to discover more about this kind of table and my curiosity grew about it, Now I know that Bruno Matsson made its own version, that it is also in Ikea catalog and in other well known Swedish brands like Karl Andersson and Söner with different variations in details and measurements but keeping the same concept.
A first glance makes me think that it’s the typical design of the functionalist movement but I found slagbords from 1800´s.
My aim with this project was to learn more about the Swedish tradition of making furniture and to explore de idea of “Swedish Design”. I did transpolar the concept of slag to another kind of furniture to be more specific a chair as point of departure to create more dialog. Using other object is a way of making the concept of “slag” more obvious.
My aim with this project was to learn more about the Swedish tradition of making furniture and to explore de idea of “Swedish Design”. I did transpolar the concept of slag to another kind of furniture to be more specific a chair as point of departure to create more dialog. Using other object is a way of making the concept of “slag” more obvious.

By the other hand, for me as a foreign was easier to see these characteristics of the region and to exaggerate them to make it more visible. Also the idea of a Mexican designer making Swedish furniture makes it more visible in some way it pops up I think that if some Swede make this design the perception of the people could be completely different.
This project was made with the consultancy of Martin Altwegg from Carl Mamsten-Furniture Studies Linköping University and Karin Teyrefors from Konstfack University College of Arts Crafts and Design.
Photography by Carolina Nylund